Industrial Engineers Association Of Bangladesh (IEAB)

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Two Identifiers from IEAB’s Fellow / Member Or, An Associate Member along with A Member / Fellow. (please include- Name | Membership No | Mobile Number | Email )
Membership Type Duration of Fees Membership Fee (BDT) Application Fee (BDT) ID Card Fee (BDT) Membership Certificate Fee (BDT) Total Amount (BDT)
Life Fellow One Time(12 Years) 10,800 100 150 200 11,250
Fellow 1 - 11 Years 900 per year 100 150 200 Calculate based on duration
Life Member One Time(12 Years) 7,200 100 150 200 7,650
Member 1 - 11 Years 600 per year 100 150 200 Calculate based on duration
Associate Member 1 - 12 Years 380 per year 100 150 200 Calculate based on duration
Donor Member 3 Years 10,000 100 150 200 10,450
Graduate Student 1 - 12 Years 360 per year 100 150 200 Calculate based on duration
Student 1 - 12 Years 300 per year 100 150 200 Calculate based on duration